Doctor of Chiropractic / Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician® / Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist

Pediatric Care
Because kids need chiropractic too! (...arguably, more than adults)
A lot of the problems we see in adults stem from injuries sustained in childhood, or even as early as birth. And unfortunately for most people, these issues go unchecked for many years. When a child's spine and movement patterns are assessed early, treatment is easier and quicker. And, most importantly, this period of rapid growth and development is allowed to progress the way it should.
Letting our kids grow into their maximal potential with natural treatment.

An area that often goes overlooked is the potential for trauma at birth. We forget how physically tough it would be to squeeze through the birth canal even in a natural childbirth, and we often negate the effects of the use of interventions in the birthing process (i.e. forceps, vacuum, c-section, excess manual force, medications).
This is where the newborn exam is especially important. Correcting issues sustained during the birth process is incredibly gentle and can make a tremendous impact on the immature and developing nervous system of a newborn.
An area that often goes overlooked is the potential for trauma at birth. We forget how physically tough it would be to squeeze through the birth canal even in a natural childbirth, and we often negate the effects of the use of interventions in the birthing process (i.e. forceps, vacuum, c-section, excess manual force, medications).
This is where the newborn exam is especially important. Correcting issues sustained during the birth process is incredibly gentle and can make a tremendous impact on the immature and developing nervous system of a newborn.
Kids fall down... a LOT! If you have a kid, you know. Generally they get up quick and want to get back to play as soon as possible, but it doesn't mean the minor trauma is something to be ignored. And if a child is in school/daycare, these minor spills may go largely unnoticed or unreported... and therefore, unchecked. Irritation to the pediatric body can cause inflammation and misalignments that could affect the normal growth process of the very malleable immature bones and soft tissues.
Getting kids checked regularly helps to correct for these bumps and bruises quickly, before negative effects begin to impact development.

"I check my own little girls on regular basis...
especially after slips or falls, with major growth spurts, and when they go through significant developmental milestones. I want my kids to grow to their full potential, unimpeded."
- Dr. Leake